Low poly car

CC-BY B3D101
In this tutorial you will learn how to model a low poly car using modifiers.
  • Watch the video or,

  • Follow the step by step instructions below.

Viewport shading

Enable the Rendered mode in Viewport Shading in the upper-right corner.


Model a car without modifers

To model a low poly car we can use a cube and change it into a low poly car.

  • In Object mode scale the cube in X, Y and Z direction creating a basic shape of a car.

  • In Edit mode use the Loopcut tool to create two cuts dividing the car in a front, mid, and back.

  • Extrude the upper face between the 2 cuts.

  • Scale down the upper face.


Now we have a basic shape of a car. There is another way to model a car using modifiers. Modifiers are operations that affect the geometry of an object but it doesn’t change the geometry itself. With modifiers you can perform many effects easily.

Model a car using modifers

To model a low poly car using modifiers we go back to Object mode.

  • In Object mode remove the car model.

  • Add a cube.

Next we’ll cut this cube in half.

  • In Edit mode use the Loopcut tool to cut the cube in half.

  • Remove half of the cube by selecting the faces on one half of the cube. Then press X to delete those faces.

  • In Object mode, go to the Modifier tab on the right.

  • Select the Mirror modifier.


We can mirror along the X, Y or Z axis.

  • Select the X or Y axis to get the cube back.

The mirror modifier mirrors along the X, Y or Z axis. So if you change something on one side the changes will be applied to the mirrored side. Let’s continue with the car.

  • Scale the cube in X, Y or Z direction creating a basic shape of a car.

  • In Edit mode create 2 cuts using the Loopcut tool.

  • Extrude the upper face.

  • Create another cut for the front and back windows.

  • Model the roof of the car by making the top a bit smaller.


Next model the windows.

  • Select the faces for the window.

Next use the Inset Faces tool to create an inset.

  • Select the Inset Faces tool and create a small inset.

  • In the Inset Faces tool menu select Individual and make the Thickness very small for example 0.02.

  • Select Face -> Extrude Faces along Normals and move the mouse a little bit. Not too much. With this extrude you can create a more precise extrude.


Tip: Use CTRL+Z to undo.



Let’s add some tyres. To model the tyres we’ll use a cylinder.

  • In Object mode select a cylinder.

  • In the Add Cylinder menu lower the number of vertices to for example 10.

  • Rotate and scale the cylinder to create the size of a tyre.

  • Add the tyre to the car.

  • In Edit mode use the Inset Faces tool to create an inset for the rims of the car tyre.

  • Use Extrude to pull out the faces.

  • In Object mode duplicate the tyre with SHIFT+D.

  • Next duplicate both tyres and move them to the other side of the car.

  • Rotate the duplicated tyres 180 degrees along the Z -axis.

To create a nice gaping hole around the tyre we will use another modifier, the Boolean modifier.

  • Select the car.

  • Go to the Modifier tab on the right.

  • Add a Boolean modifier.


The Boolean modifier uses a Boolean operation. To create a round hole we want the difference between the car and the tyre.

  • Select Difference from the Boolean modifier.

  • As Object select a tyre. You can also use the pen to select the tyre.


In the Outliner, if you hide the tyre, you can see a nice hole surrounding the tyre.

  • Add 3 more Boolean modifiers to the other tyres.

  • For each Boolean modifier select a different tyre.

Car lights

To model car lights we will use a cylinder.

  • In Object mode, add a cylinder.

  • Scale down the cylinder to the size of a car light.

  • In Edit mode, create an inset.

  • Use Extrude to pull out the inner faces.

  • In Object mode, duplicate the car light using SHIFT+D.

Create a nice sourrounding hole for both car lights.

  • Add a Boolean modifier.

  • Select Difference.

  • Select as Object a car light.


Give your car some colors and add a door knob.
